March 8, 2025

Kids Bike Buying Guide: Kids Bike Sizing And Best Bikes For Kids

Do you want to buy bikes for your kid? Kids of all ages prefer different types of bikes. Although most of the bikes were designed for adults, these bikes are not suitable for children. The bike’s height is a huge, somewhat dangerous problem during the bike, like the handle. The height of the bike should be chosen depending on the height of your kids. If you don’t understand which type of bike is perfect for your kids, then the post is suitable for you.

Kids Bike Buying Guide

When you purchase a bike for your child, you have to consider your child and bike size.  You have to maintain the consistency of the bike size with your child. Kids’ bikes are a major purchase in terms of cost and the amount of excitement that comes with them. But how do you know you’re buying the best bike for your child that will still be a loved child? Don’t worry, here’s enough guide to buying a kid’s bike. At first, I presented a list that will help you find that bike size perfect for your child’s size.

Guide to Kids’ Bike Sizing

Bike Wheel Child Height (in.) Approx. Age Inseam (inside leg length)
12-inch 30-39 2-4 12-17
14-inch 37-44 3-5 16-20
16-inch 39-48 5-8 18-22
20-inch 42-52 6-10 21-25
24-inch 50-58 8-12 24-28
26-inch 56+ 10+

Classification Of Kid’s Bike

Now come to know how many bike types are available for the kids. There are a total of three options while you are going to buy a bike for your kid. These are Tricycle, Training wheels, or balance bikes. What is the difference between the three bikes? I am going to present some information about these bikes.


Tricycle means that the bike has three wheels. Firstly, a tricycle is perfect if your child is too short. It will be very stable on the ground. But if you think that it is necessary to improve your child’s skill, then you can avoid this.


Training Wheels

Training wheels indicate a two-wheeled bike. It may be difficult for your kids, but it is enough to develop your child’s skills. Training wheels can also be a bit hectic for young riders.

training wheels

Balance Bike

The balance bike is that bike that has only two wheels, and it has no pedals. The bike requires the child to sit on the saddle, scoot, and balance. Transferring the bike without pedals is easier for children that start on a balance bike.

balance bike

Suitable Bikes With The Age

Before buying a kid’s bike, you should consider the age of your kid. Which bikes are perfect for the specific age of your kid? For your convenience, I presented these bike types. Please continue reading to know about these bike types.

2-4 Years

If your child’s old is 2-4 years, it is better to buy a 12-inch wheel kid’s bike. There are available many types of balance cycle whose has no pedals. It will help your child to provide a great platform to learn on. A balance bike also helps your child skip the difficult stage, and he will learn to ride a bike very easily. It is better to buy a balance bike for your kids from 2 to 4 years.

4-6 Years

At the age of 4-6 years of your child, you have to buy a 16-inch wheeled bike. 16-inch bikes are commonly made with aluminum or steel frames, v-brakes, and a single-speed drivetrain. If your kid’s old is 4-6 years, then he will easily control the bike. 16-inch wheeled bike is usually designed with a low stand height. So, at the age of 4-6 years, it is better to choose a 16-inch wheeled bike for your kids.

7-11 Years

Within 7 to 11 years of your kids, 20 to 24 inch wheeled is perfect. Many types of 20-24 wheeled bikes have a drop handlebar as an adult bike. The front suspension of the bike is greater exploration. It has more gear too. It improves your child’s bike riding.

If you’ve bought a good quality kids bike, then keep it clean and maintained well. Condition to be passed on or sold second hand to recoup some of your costs. Teaching your child how to look after their bike. Which one is right for your kids? First, you need to determine your kids’ height and then buy an electric bike, depending on the kids’ height. There are 20-inch electric bikes and 26-inch electric bikes here. The choice of small size wheel and large size wheel depends on your kids. Any practitioner or wandering around, this is your kids ’best“ friend ”and great transport.

I hope you could know all the basic guide to buying a kid’s bike very easily. The article which I presented will be beneficial to you that I hope. Now inform your opinion after reading the whole article through the comment section. If you have more interested in knowing more tips to buy a kid’s bike, then inform me by adding a comment on the comment box below. Thank you for remaining with me in the long run. Keep connected with our site to get more update tips.


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